Innovation – What Is It? Examples of Innovations

In the business world, innovation is a commonly used term in the context of change. It enables companies to improve their products, operational strategies, and processes, fostering growth, enhancing competitiveness, and achieving greater success in the market. But what exactly is innovation?

In this article, we will present the definition and types of innovation, as well as tips on how to prepare for changes. We will also provide examples of innovations implemented by our clients and opportunities for additional funding.

Innovation – what is It really?

Innovation is the process of introducing new or significantly improved products, services, processes, or methods into existing business systems. It is not just about delivering novelty; it is also a creative way to solve problems, increase efficiency, meet societal needs, and create new opportunities. Implementing innovation within a company primarily helps to enhance competitiveness in the industry and achieve success in the business world.

Classification of innovations

The definition of innovation in the “Oslo Manual 2018” encompasses a new or improved product or process (or a combination of both) that significantly differs from previous products or processes of a given unit. This implementation will be made available to potential users (product) or introduced for use by the unit (process). According to this definition, the following types of innovation can be distinguished:

Product Innovation – Revolutionizing the Market

Product innovation refers to products or services that are new or significantly improved in terms of their characteristics or applications (e.g., technical specifications, technological innovations, components, materials, durability, or other functional features) and that have been introduced to the market.

Process Innovation – Optimization and Efficiency

Process innovation involves the implementation of a new or significantly improved business process for one or multiple business functions that differ significantly from the previous processes of the company and that have been put into use by it. Innovation can pertain to all business functions. The term “business process” includes the primary function of the company – the production of goods and services (transforming inputs into products or services, including engineering work and related technical tests, analyses, and certification) as well as supporting functions such as:

  • Distribution and logistics
  • Marketing innovation, sales, and after-sales services, changes in pricing strategy
  • Information and communication systems services for the enterprise
  • Administrative and managerial functions – organizational innovation
  • Development of products and business processes
  • Changes in production processes

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Innovations in Practice

Every process, including the implementation of innovations, requires proper preparation. How can this be done?

From Idea to Implementation – Mapping the Innovation Process

A sensible approach is to prepare for the implementation of innovations by conducting an audit within the company and developing a strategy. Effective innovation requires a clear understanding of and appropriate organization of the various stages that will lead from the initial idea to full implementation. Mapping this process, which includes both graphic and written representations of the operations involved, allows for the identification of necessary steps, potential challenges, needs, and target innovations. Engaging the project team and ensuring effective communication is also crucial in developing the plan.

Examples of Innovations and Successes of Our Clients

Below is a list of several completed audits, strategies, and EU projects of our clients, who achieved significant growth and recognition in the market thanks to the implementation of innovative solutions. These companies also secured grants that funded a substantial part of the project costs during the implementation of these innovations.

Examples of Implemented Innovations in Enterprises:

  • CAVCA sp. z o.o. – Development of the company through the introduction of a coffee machine tailored to the needs of disabled individuals (Project No. POIR.02.03.05-12-0046/21).
  • KAPS sp. z o.o. – Development of the company through the introduction of a new line of prophylactic and orthopedic insoles for the elderly (Project No. POIR.02.03.05-12-0122/21).
  • CAWI sp. z o.o. – Expansion of the CAWI company’s offerings by developing design projects for innovative therapeutic tools dedicated to children with hearing impairments (deaf and hard of hearing).
  • Sanex sp. z o.o. – 2018-2019 – Stage I – co-development of a design audit and design strategy. Stage II – co-development of a conceptual and design project.

For a complete list of our completed EU projects, visit our website:

Funding for Implementing Innovations

Implementing innovations requires adequate financial resources, and securing funds for project development can be crucial for its successful implementation. However, it often happens that the costs of planned investments and changes significantly exceed the available budget and financial capabilities of the enterprise. Therefore, before implementing innovations, it is worthwhile to check available funding options and take advantage of various funds and grants.

Grants for Innovations – What Are the Options?

One of the state agencies that assists in developing competencies and financing businesses is PARP – the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. It organizes many competitions on various topics, through which funding can be obtained. Grant money can be allocated for practically everything except for the purchase of land and real estate. A necessary condition is that the investments must be directly related to the implementation of the previously developed innovative product.

Grant funds can be used for machines and equipment necessary to start production, materials, patents, workplace organization, licenses, and other expenses incurred for the acquisition of intangible assets and legal rights.

Below we present the funding opportunities from PARP in the area of Design and Innovation:

  • Innovation Vouchers for SMEs: Stage I – Service
    Purpose of funding: To finance the purchase of research and development services from scientific units.
  • Innovation Vouchers for SMEs: Stage II – Investment
    Purpose of funding: To finance the implementation of an idea for a technological innovation developed in Stage I of the “Innovation Vouchers for SMEs” competition.
  • Innovation Vouchers for SMEs: Stage I – Service – Accessibility Plus
    Purpose of funding: To finance the purchase of research and development services from scientific units.
  • Innovation Vouchers for SMEs: Stage II – Investment – Accessibility Plus
    Purpose of funding: To finance the implementation of an idea for a technological innovation developed in Stage I of the “Innovation Vouchers for SMEs” competition.
  • SMART Path – Thematic Call – Accessibility
    Purpose of funding: Innovative solutions addressing the needs of individuals with special needs.
  • SMART Path II Call 2023
    Purpose of funding: To enhance research and innovation capabilities within the enterprise.
  • Innovoucher
    Purpose of funding: To cover the costs of introducing innovations in the company in collaboration with a foreign contractor.

More information about the grants mentioned above is available on the official PARP website:

Effective Fundraising for Innovations with GRID

As a company with over 20 years of experience, we help businesses in the implementation of innovative projects and in securing appropriate funding for their execution. Currently, our project team is involved in product design, interior arrangement (public and private spaces), graphic design, and branding. We are enthusiasts of both new technologies and craftsmanship. We are also well-versed in photography, drawing, and graphics. We continually challenge ourselves to ensure our projects exceed accepted standards.

Contact us to discuss practical steps and develop a project strategy that will help you secure funding for your idea!

The Future of Innovation – Trends and Forecasts

The future of innovation in the field of industrial design and business is rich with trends and forecasts. Below are several key areas that may shape the future of innovation:

  • Sustainable Design: Growing ecological awareness is making sustainable design a key trend. Projects that consider natural and renewable materials, minimize energy consumption, and reduce carbon footprints are gaining increasing popularity. Modern design continually seeks to reduce waste during production and use, as well as to keep products and materials in continuous circulation.
  • Collaboration with Technology: The integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) is becoming standard in modern design. These technologies open many opportunities for project support and interpretation of data related to innovation. They also enable the introduction of improved production methods and bring significant changes for large and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Product Personalization: Customers increasingly value uniqueness in every industry. The trend of product personalization is growing, leading to the necessity for continuous, flexible design and production. All of this aims to meet individual customer preferences, thus ensuring competitiveness and innovation for the company.
  • Designing for Health and Well-being: A growing awareness of mental health and an increase in interest in health and well-being are translating into changes in the approach to design and production. These changes include ergonomics, aesthetics, and space design. Additional elements, such as color psychology, that promote a healthy lifestyle and self-care are also important.
  • Social Design and Inclusivity: Innovative projects are increasingly focusing on social and inclusive solutions. Designers engage with the community to understand its needs and challenges, then create projects that benefit many social groups. Therefore, an important trend is designing products or spaces that include all marginalized individuals, including those with disabilities, mothers with children, and the elderly.