Industrial strategy and design audit

It is an analysis of the entrepreneur’s activity, primarily in terms of potential and design needs. As a result of this activity, a design strategy is created.

As part of the audit, we analyze:

  • design of the beneficiary in terms of product offer;
  • business model;
  • technology;
  • organizational structure;
  • communication processes;
  • the beneficiary’s needs in the field of design management;
  • in terms of the use of the design and market potential of the beneficiary;

The audit also includes defining the marketing strategy, defining and characterizing customers and competitors, as well as key industry trends in the context of the beneficiary.

Design strategy

It is a report from a design audit that contains at least the following elements:

  • general characteristics of the applicant’s entrepreneur, including a design analysis of the enterprise in terms of products, technologies, organizational structure, customer communication processes, marketing strategy;
  • a general description of the applicant’s business environment in the field of design, including at least information on the characteristics of customers and a description of the main competitors;
  • description of market trends, identification of key industry, social and technological trends in the applicant’s context with a high potential to impact the applicant’s market;
  • assessment of the level of use of design in the applicant’s enterprise and its potential in this area;
  • defining design problems in the applicant’s company (these problems may concern both the product and other business processes in the company);
  • possibilities of solving design problems in the applicant’s company;
  • recommendations for further detailed actions for the applicant’s company.

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